

 First I will carry out a free garden appraisal and consultation. A chance to assess the site, for you to give me an idea of your likes and dislikes and what you want from the garden. 

Next I'll email you a rough design and quote, and if you are happy to go ahead, we can discuss and change until its just to your liking. 

I'll then bring round a detailed garden design and plant list. You'll get a chance to make changes before we start work on the garden. 


The redesign will involve clearing the area of unwanted plants and debris, digging out new beds and improving the soil.

If the design includes hard landscaping such as patios and pergolas, this will be done next followed by planting up the beds and laying turf. 


I will give you advice on how to maintain the garden in a way that is easy for you, and has as little detrimental effect on wildlife as possible. Or alternatively, I can maintain it for you.